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Showing posts from 2017

Child and Family Center Walvis Bay Nursery Project

Emmanuel Upgraded the project in Walvis bay in adding a nursery tunnel to grow herbs and other seedling for the center

Kitchen Garden for Barabara Dreyer Pioner's Park

Hello... Another Successful Project for a Kitchen garden for Barbara Dreyer This is for a household consumption A

Why Grow your own veggetables

Dr Frans Indongo Primary School Veggietunnel Project

REPORT INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT 2 years ago Dr. Frans Indongo School was identified as in need of help and support to both grow food and educate the school learners on how to do it. This need came because the school children were receiving food that lacked vegetables. A project was then started with just one veggietunnel that grow very little vegetables as a phase one and start of gardening for the school. For the past two year the school has grown successfully 4 vegetables mainly spinach, beetroots, onions, carrots with the efforts of the agriculture teacher and also the learner. PHASE 2 Recently an extra veggietunnel was sponsored to the school by the Faanbergh Wickler Projects and also a fruit garden. These all in the effort to help the school to grow its own fruits and vegetable for the soup kitchen that the school is running. A total investment of N$ 35 000 was the cost of the garden, this included, fruit trees, seeds, fertilizer, compost, planting soil, labo...